Publications and presentations.

Peer reviewed publications

March, E., Antunovic, J., Poll, A., Dye, J. & Van Doorn, G. (in press). High (in)fidelity: Gender, the dark tetrad, and infidelity. Sexual and Relationship Therapy.

Poll, A. & Critchley, C. (2022). Development and validation of the feminist social identity scale. Current Psychology.

Downey, L. A., Kean, J., Nemeh, F., Lau, A., Poll, A., Gregory, R., Murray, M., Rourke, J., Patak, B., Pase, M. P., Zangara, A., Lomas, J., Scholey, A. & Stough, C. (2013). An acute, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of 320 mg and 640 mg doses of a special extract of Bacopa monnieri (CDRI 08) on sustained cognitive performance. Phytotherapy Research, 27, 1407–1413.

Conference presentations

Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Conference 2022 (upcoming), Flinders University, Adelaide

Presentation topic: Feminist social identity scale

Society of Australasian Social Psychologists Conference 2019, University of New South Wales, Sydney

Presentation title: Young women’s feminist identity development: Understanding, embodying and enacting

Other presentations

Swinburne Living Research Conference, 2016

Presentation title: Using qualitative software to organise and write your thesis

Other research.



This research explores how university students interpret microaggressions and the impact of microaggressions on their well-being. My duties include conducting a literature review and writing a paper.


Interrogation study.

This was a cross-cultural study on criminal interviewing practices. Duties included regular downloading of the data from online surveys, data cleaning, data analysis, and writing up the results. A new phase of the study began in 2017 where duties include setting up and maintaining the online study.

Amateur family historians project.

This research explored the motivations and commitments of those who engage in amateur family history and genealogy research. My duties included setting up online data collection, data cleaning and analysis. The Psychology of Family History by Moore, Rosenthal, and Robinson was published in 2020.


Women in retirement.

This was a study on women’s experiences with retirement focusing on finances, coping, and feelings about retirement. Duties include setting up the online study, downloading and organising data, data cleaning, and promoting the study. From this study, two books were published: Women and Retirement, and The Psychology of Retirement (Moore & Rosenthal, 2018).

Second child study.

Assisted in proof-reading, editing, and content of a book intended to help people make decisions about adding a second child to their family. Second Child by Moore and Rosenthal was published in 2019.


Bachelors and spinsters study.

Aided in the supervision of an honours student exploring attitudes toward single men and single women over the age of traditional marriage. Assisted in refining the research topic and research design, participant recruitment and data analysis. Contributed to proof-reading and finalisation of the thesis.